Thursday, January 24, 2008

Las Vegas Zen

The partial contents of a monk’s notebook found left behind in his room in Flamingo Hotel, Las Vegas.:
The question is not “Did you win or lose?” the question is “How long did it take you to get rid of all your chips?”

Do not ask what the strip can do for you or what or who you can do for or on the strip. Ask instead of yourself what your room number was.
You don’t shake a pint’s round, plump hand, you grab onto it because it’s the only thing that keeps you from falling into the abyss that opens like a maw underneath.
As the bottle empties into you, empty yourself into the bottle.
Do not be the rock that stands in the river’s way, be the pebble that is carried by its current, then all will be according to your whims: your will is the will of the river, and the river’s will...yours.
Let the assholes talk, their comeuppance will soon descend upon them from above.
A departing Koan:What do a Samurai, a heroin addict and a compulsive gambler have in common?For all, their daily routines are marked by a strong sense of purpose: The Samurai trains hard to master his sword, as his life might soon depend on this mastery. The heroin addict must procure his daily fix or suffer the dire(hattic) consequences. And the gambler has to gather the money to place the next last bet that everything seems to depend on: all three lead strongly purposeful lives.

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